GALILEO MEDIA SERVICES: Be sure to visit our Vimeo Channel to view more 3D Videos!

Galileo Media Services 3D animation work: Minnesota Twins Ballpark . Qatar Convention Center . et. al.



Sample images of Gallleo Media Services' detailed 3D modeling work

3D Animations for Architectural Design

Serena was part of the 5-person animation team at HOK that helped the Russians win the Sochi 2014 Olympic bid. Besides the 3D animation stills, she created interactive graphics for the animated site-planning Powerpoint presentation. Depicted are the Goodyear Minor League Training clubhouse, the Washington D.C. Nationals Ballpark, the Sochi Olympic Stadiums, and the Yankees Stadium renovation renderings.

Galileo Media Services' Vimeo Channel

To view Serena's animated Children's Alphabet CD, visit her Illustration Portfolio link.